Monday, February 23, 2009


Joy is neither a state of mind nor a feeling. Joy is not a result of the things around us. Joy is not a product of its conditions nor does it attempt to change the conditions in which it is subject to. Joy is not about wanting anything more, but it is also not about selling ourselves short. Joy is not pleasure, joy is not happiness. Joy is not self reliant, because real joy cannot be found in one’s self.

Joy is unmistakable, un-disguisable, and uncontainable.
Joy is not a verb, it’s not something we can do, joy is a reinvention of the way we see the world. Joy sees the world for all that the world truly is, but does not attempt to evade the brokenness and suffering that accompany this life. Joy, like love, endures and outlasts all things.
Joy is knowing that no matter what “today” looks like, “today” is a good day because today is an opportunity to know Christ more deeply, to love him more, and to share the good news with our friends.

Joy knows that no matter how bad today, this week, this month, this year…or even this lifetime may be…that Christ has redeemed this life completely. Joy constantly measures the world in the context of the great work that Christ completed on the cross.
Joy is the knowledge and true understanding that we were prisoners once, but we have been set free. Joy is the absolution of sin, guilt, and shame in our lives. Joy knows the cost that was paid, and knows the cost has been paid in full.

Joy is one of our first taste’s of heaven here on earth.

I’m glad to know the Joy that Christ affords; I miss it sometimes because I get caught up with “me” a whole lot, but it doesn’t take long to notice the vacancy left by Joy.

Joy has one source, and one source alone…he’s my rock and redeemer.

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