Friday, September 11, 2009


It’s a little ironic that I’m writing what I’m about to write from an airplane that is now 2 hours delayed. Being that I am a prisoner of the tarmac, I guess it couldn’t be more appropriate that I put my time to use.

Over the past weeks I have undertaken a few new personal initiatives that have yielded some great visibility into areas of my life and heart that simply needed tending to. As I started weeding the garden of my heart, I realized that I needed to rethink some little things in big ways…and it turned out those little things have had big impacts on my personal effectiveness and satisfaction almost immediately.

While the regimen and focus of my personal changes are irrelevant, I’ve realized and been reminded yet again of God’s timing, how perfect it is, and how while HIS time always feels too late or too early, its always right on time.

I am realizing more and more at each turn in my life, that many of the things that I view as not being “punctual” are often for my own good, and protection. I, being impatient and often foolish, ask the questions “why now God?” and “why not now God?” way too often, I guess that’s pretty symptomatic of the fact that I might need to work on trusting God in certain ways more, but its progressive…I’m still learning, and each day all the more. When I look back at some of the things that have been early/late in my life, their timing has yielded some of the greatest blessings and examples of God’s protective hand for me.

There are some things in my life past and present, that I’m realizing God has withheld for my benefit, most likely because there are probably a lot of “blessings” that if I had them now, I’d probably ruin them or ruin myself and do so in a hurry. In the same way there are some challenges or delays in my life that have opened my eyes and hearts to great blessings that I would have never been in a position to receive if I would have been on my own timing.

As I look at my life critically, it’s not God’s watch that needs to be reset to my time, its my time that needs to be set to God’s watch…in fact, I probably just need not wear a watch when it comes to tracking the timing of his cosmic wonders. Part of God’s perfect nature is his being on time each day, each morning, each night, and every moment of every day, is right on time. I’m learning to take a step back and look at my moments, not my days/months/years and ask “What do you have for me right now God?, in this moment right here?”…there is much more at our finger tips than we perceive, and we can miss it if we’re looking too far ahead or behind.

I understand that we are God’s children, but sometimes, I’m much more the kid screaming in the back seat than I am the kid enjoying a day with my heavenly father in the park…I’m working on it lately and am reaffirmed at my vast need for grace.

My whole timeline has been dialed way back, and one might think that focusing on and living in a smaller unit of time is constraining it couldn’t be more contrary, it is infinitely liberating and it makes us really effective at what we do. I mean right now, in the course of writing this post, I’ve just been delayed yet again, I’ll be a few hours late for MY time and MY agenda but I’m also getting to watch the sunset out the airplane window and being reminded of the fact that God is on time each day, he’s working great miracles for each of us each day, and while it’s hard to have a clear picture where we’re going, and when we’ll get there we must remember we are right on time…God’s time that is.

Right on time,